On the Trail of the World's Great Meteorites
Other Collections and Recent Falls
(Asteroid 2023 CX1)
Normandy, France Feb 13 2023. Chondrite.
This fascinating story began when Asteroid 2023 CX1 was detected as a faint object while still in space by Hungarian astronomer K. Sárneczky on February 12, 2023. At the time it was estimated to be 1 meter in size and heading towards Earth. It was tracked in space for several hours by multiple observatories, fading upon entering the Earth’s shadow. It was then seen as a fireball, first “green like a bright emerald, then orange”, traveling eastward at 14.5km/sec over the English Channel. Shock wave sounds were heard. Scientists accurately predicted that fragments from the asteroid would hit the ground in Normandy, France. Shortly afterwards, teams from France, as well as international meteorite hunters converged on the drop zone. Multiple pieces were found. This is only the third asteroid detected prior to impact leading to meteorites being found on the ground.

Photos of the 175g mass by Dave Kenny with kind permission from Bil Bungay. Taken May 17 2023, a few days prior to transfer to the Paris museum.

2023 CX1 is also the most tracked and observed predicted fall and meteorite find in history. The first 94g stone was found on February 15 by an 18 year-old French student. The largest stone (175g main mass) was found in a 6 inch hole by an American professional meteorite hunter. It was then purchased by Bil Bungay, a UK meteorite hunter/ collector, who has generously made a long-term loan to the Paris National Museum of Natural History.
Ribbeck (Asteroid BX1)
Germany, Jan 2024. Aubrite.
On Jan 20 2024, an approaching 1 metre sized asteroid named 2024 BX1 was detected, again by Dr. K. Sárneczky. A bright fireball was seen at the predicted time and location northwest of Berlin, Germany on Jan 21, and was widely witnessed and captured on multiple video cameras. It did not take long before meteorite hunters found pieces of this fireball on the ground. It turned out to be an aubrite (a type named after the 1836 Aubres meteorite), a rare magnesium-rich enstatite achondrite.
Unlike most fresh meteorites, it has a thin white to grey crust, with some areas transparent, and a white interior. It is quite friable. Parts of the meteorite fluoresce under UV light.

Thanks to IMCA president and meteorite hunter Roberto Vargas who traveled to Germany and procured this piece. Photo taken Jan 31 2024, 10 days after it landed on Earth !
La Posa Plain - Quartzsite Fireball 2023
Arizona, Dec 2023.
A bright fireball was seen heading southwest over an area north of Quartzsite, Arizona on Dec 28 2023. The event was caught on multiple cameras. With the use of NEXRAD doppler radar data and taking into account local wind conditions, a strewnfield was predicted. On Jan 1 2024, several hunters found fresh pieces. A total of 564.5gms has been found as of May 2024.
Initially referred to as Quartzsite (2023), the official name of this meteorite is now La Posa Plain.

This 70 gram piece with fresh flow-lines was on display at the 2024 Tucson show. Photo taken Jan 31 2024 and used with kind permission of Mark Lyon. (Mark Lyon Meteorites).

"Stardust Mine"

Photos by Dave Kenny taken Feb 4 2025 and used with kind permission of Robert Ward / Robert Ward Meteorites.

Indiana, USA
A bright fireball was observed over Indiana, USA in January 2025.
Weather radar demonstrated signatures of falling material. Within a few days, meteorite hunters were finding multiple meteorites on hard surfaces as well as embedded in softer ground.
This largest mass of 53 kg was found by Robert Ward and was on display in Tucson Feb 2025.
Holding one of the Amo masses.
Photo's used with kind permission of Robert Ward / Robert Ward Meteorites.

Gebel Kamil
Egypt, 2009 - Iron - ungrouped (ataxite).
A 5000 year old sand-filled crater was discovered by an Italian scientist while searching on Google Earth. During expeditions to the site, multiple associated meteorites totalling 1.6 tons were found, both on the surface and buried in the sand. Many of them display a unique "lizard skin" surface texture.

Gebel Kamil - Private collection
Cape York - Savik
University of Alberta collection, Edmonton, Alberta
Photo May 12 2022


India - 1857. Chondrite.
University of Alberta collection, Edmonton, Alberta.
Photo May 12 2022
Argentina - 1951. Pallasite.
This pallasite from Argentina was found embedded in soil.
Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Jan 5 2023

Canyon Diablo - Meteor Crater

Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Jan 5 2023
Wagon Mound
New Mexico - 1932. L6 chondrite.
This meteorite was found in 1932 by a man planting a field. It was kept by the family but eventually sold in 1999.

Photo taken in Tucson, Feb 2024 and used with permission of Joshua Eisler of Cosmic Meteorites
NWA 869
Chondrite - several tons of material were found (2000).
ROM Toronto